Today, I'm going to share with you my absolute favourite room of the house! Its our nursery. When Jubilee died, I knew that while I was off work, I wanted to set it up, just like I was going to when I commenced my maternity leave. I'd been planning it my head since we moved in here and so it gives me so much joy and hope to see it all finally come together as I had imagined.
I've been waiting to share this for a while, but wanted to have it almost finished before I did. Only a couple of really small things left to do- I want to make some bunting to hang across the window and I've got to properly make the change table cover but I didn't get time to do that this week cos we were too busy with all the other painting. Also, I'm in the process of buying a custom made night light from Etsy.
I've loved decorating with old world things. My favourites include toy wooden blocks and soft toys from when I was a child, my shabby cupboard (in the wardbrobe-it was the present table at our wedding and its got baby clothes in it), the shelf with wrought iron book ends and vintage books on it and the Replogle Globe.
This is my Leander Cradle- another blessing (but thats a whole other story). At the moment, I have the two teddies that Jubilee recieved sitting in it and the blanket that was wrapped around her in the hospital. Its going to go in our room, when our next baby is a newborn but I just wanted to set it up and have it in the nursery for the time being anyway cos I love it!
This is my toddler bed from IKEA. I've had my eye on it for a very long time- at the moment it is on its smallest setting (which is shorter but a bit wider than a cot) but it is extendable to a full size single bed. I love the old fashioned suitcase tucked underneath the foot of the bed.
So there you have it: our nursery. Empty. But will be used (soon!!! pls!)
it's beautiful!