Hi again, just an update on how things have been going for the past couple of weeks.
The stitch went in successfully- we have been so blessed!
15 Weeks
- Monday September 3rd- Stitch goes in. Due at the hospital at 7:30am and booked for surgery at 8:30am. Didn’t go in till a bit later- much calmer than with Juby, and Daddy and I were laughing and enjoying spending the time with each other. Daddy prayed with me too which was lovely. Surgery went really well. Had to be on complete bed rest (meaning no toilet trips as well) for 24 hours. Minor loss. Doctors happy with how everything went.
...a goosey photo of me, still half drugged, after returning to the ward!
- Week 1 of bed rest commences- Got home of Tuesday arv- Mum brought me home and cooked dinner for us-
we had to go and get antibiotics and another tablet (nephidipine) which stop
the uterus from cramping on the way home.
- Wednesday- Daddy took the day off and spent time looking after mummy all day.
- Thursday- Mum, Ma, Aunty Marl and Aunty Rhonda and Aunty Rach all visited and Emma cooked us dinner in the evening. We also got a visit from Nanny and Poppy.
- Friday- we got take away- create your own pizzas thanks to Nanny- My first trip out of the house since the stitch.
- Saturday, 8th September- Trent and Stacey’s Wedding. Was a beautiful wedding and although I had to sit down a lot, we really enjoyed the night and got to share our baby news with some more family friends. Trent announced in his speech that they are expecting too! Stacey is 11 weeks.
- Sunday, 9th September – Cassie’s Baby Shower (35 Weeks) Mummy made her cot bedding as a gift from our family.
17 Weeks
- Tuesday 18th September- doctor’s appointment to follow up the stitch- saw Margaret. She was very happy to see me and to hear that all was going well. She did an ultrasound of you and took some measurements (you’re head and legs etc were all measuring at middle 16 week lengths and then she measured your belly and it showed up at 17 weeks and 5 days- you little chubba!) She answered some questions for mummy about the stitch- one that made me a bit disappointed. She said that she would leave the stitch in until after 38 weeks and only take it out if I went into to labour beforehand. I’m worried about the stitch tearing me inside and this means I’ll have to go to the hospital at the first signs of labour to have the stitch removed which makes me sad cos I won’t be able to labour at home and go to the hospital to deliver like I planned- the thought of as natural as possible labour was keeping me going, so I’ll have to pray a lot about it
- Wedensday, 19th September- Aunty Rach's birthday.
- Saturday September 22nd- went to your first Rodeo (PBR at Innes Park Country Club) with Uncle Lee, Cassie (+?) and Sam. You were moving like crazy which makes Mummy think you’ve inherited my “country” genes and really liked the bull-riding and country music (much to Daddy’s distaste!)
- Really starting to feel you move around a lot more which is really exciting J
18 Weeks
- Busy week doing jobs around the house and in town. Mummy has spent a lot of time on the computer and in the nursery getting things ready for your arrival, planning what we still need to buy and get ready, making lists of things we need to do at Christmas etc.
- Friday 28th- Daddy bought Mummy (with the help of Mum) a rocking chair from the second hand shop as an earlier birthday present. Its going in your nursery. I’m so excited cos it is the exact style that I’ve been looking at for years and have never found one in Bundy. Also they are usually around $120 and we got ours for $70- another blessing.
- Sunday 30th- Mummy and Daddy went to church and bought some plants for out the front of our house. By the time we got home, Mummy started getting really severe pain on the lower left hand side (just like period pain) except I knew it wasn’t contractions. Continued to grow in intensity and last for about an hour. I rang the hospital just in case and they suggested we come in for a scan just to check that all was okay. The pain had gone but I was still a bit tender when we got the hospital. Everything turned out to be fine and we got home in time to follow on with our original plan for the evening, which was having Uncle Matty and the grandparents over for dinner and the NRL footy grand final. Bonus was we got to see you again little Pea J on the portable ultrasound machine and Daddy kept saying you have a big head and teasing Mummy about how I’m going to push you out come time to do so! Lol! Naughty Daddy. Also, Praise God for His faithfulness and protection- none of the doctors could explain what had happened- I just chose to see it like a reminder from God about just how precious pregnancy is and the importance of keeping you inside for as long as we can!
- You have been kicking like crazy this week. Its such a blessing and a comfort to me. Daddy can’t feel them yet but I can see my tummy moving, so you must be giving me quite a good little boot.
20 Weeks
· Tuesday 9th-
20 Week Ultrasound= (20 Weeks and 1 Day) Ultrasound went really great. Aunty Bek is home from Townsville this week and came with us which was a special occasion and we all went out for coffee afterwards to celebrate. You
were curled up in a big ball in between my pelvic bones just like your sister
Juby was her morphology scan. We had Greg, the sonographer, again. We were
pleased to see you have all the necessary parts and are growing really healthy.
Your tummy is still a bit bigger than the rest of you J All in
all, we were very excited and couldn’t wait to share how everything went with
Nanny and Mum. Mummy sent some photos out to all the family via email so they
could share our joy too. Daddy and I can’t get over the similarities between
you and Jubilee- we are delighted to see that you look, at this stage, like your
gunna have cute little legs like her and Daddy :-)
10th- Two special things today-
- Uncle Matty’s birthday- we went out for dinner as a family and then went back to Nanny and Poppy’s for cake. I sent a little text to Uncle Matt early in the morning to say ‘Happy Birthday’ from you and Juby which really made his day.
- Cass and Blake welcomed a beautiful little girl into the world, Elliahn Aroha Grace. I popped up for a very quick visit to say congratulations, and to give her a present from you and Juby (a tiny teddy bear in a little cupcake box, topped off with a pale pink ribbon) and then I went up the next day for a bit a longer with Daddy and we got cuddles.
· Friday 12th
- 20 Weeks and 4 Days milestone- the same period of gestation that your big
sister Jubilee was born. Bought the Willow Tree Figurine “Home” to give to
Daddy. I wanted to buy it when we were pregnant with Juby but for some reason I
didn’t get to before she was born and so I really wanted to get it with this
pregnancy and thought today was just the occasion. I wrapped it up and wrote a
note from you and I and left it for Daddy near his lunch so he cud open when he
was having breakfast- he loved it. I’m going to put it in the kitchen as a
reminder of how blessed we are to be pregnant again and to have made it this
far. Aunty Rach also took some photos of my bump today which was really cute.
Also, Granny was going to visit Uncle Simon and family but instead he came and
picked her up to save her the drive to his place and when he left, he talked to
you in my tummy- cute! J
· Saturday
13th- Slept over at Mum and Dads cos we had a BBQ with Aunty Bek’s
boyfriend, Felise’s, family on Friday night which went late and I was feeling
much too tired to drive all the way home. Daddy and Mummy were sleeping in the
spare bed and both of us had just woken up when I started feeling you move
quite strongly and so I reached out for Daddy’s hand and he actually got to
feel you move for the first time J So exciting. We have been
looking forward to that for weeks!
So, as you can see, lots has been happening lately.
We are just so thankful and thank God each day for the great privelege of parenthood
and for the blessing our children are in our lives.